Monday, March 06, 2006

she is finally here!!

well.... she is finally here..... and, as you can imagine, i don't have too much time to write these days.... so this "post Lua" post will be short and sweet -- just like my baby girl. She decided to show up at 10:07 pm after three hours of active labor on the 25th of february ( a saturday night)... born at home , in a pool in our family room (which, as you can imagine feels much more like a "family" room now--- what a blessing for this house!).... weighing in at 9 lbs and 4 oz., 22 inches long. she is a beautiful, sweet little thing and she smiles all the time. i know many people say that it is not really smiling when they are this little, but i don't buy it for a minute. she definitely smiles. we are sleepy, but happy... and somehow the sleepless nights don't hurt as much this time around (though ask me in a month...). ben is adorable with her and says things to her like, "baby Wua, you the best" and he pats her and says "oh babe. i wuv you baby Wua". melts your heart......
i am including a couple of photos and will write again when i have a minute (probably 7 or 8 years from now!).